University of Cambridge | Mapping the family tree of stars | 20 February 2017
元論文はこれ:Paula Jofré et al. 2017. Cosmic phylogeny: reconstructing the chemical history of the solar neighbourhood with an evolutionary tree. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 467 (1): 1140-1153. DOI:10.1093/mnras/stx075. html|arXiv:1611.02575.
この論文の Figure 1 は星間距離に基づいて MEGA による近隣結合法で系統樹をつくっている.Circle tree 表示は “紙面” を有効利用できるダイアグラム様式.
These rich data sets are on the verge of putting us closer to finding the one tree that connects all stars in the Milky Way.