George L. Legendre / Foreword by Paola Antonelli
Pasta by Design
2011年刊行,Thames & Hudson, ISBN:9780500515808
- Pasta by Design: http://www.pastabydesign.net/ コンパニオンサイト(図版サンプル)
- Future Description 何かからはみ出した、もうひとつの風景「パスタ形態解析」(2012年3月21日) http://d.hatena.ne.jp/hachim/20120321/p1
- The Atlantic | Pasta by Design: Exploring the Geometric Shapes of Noodles | 6 February 2012. http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2012/02/pasta-by-design-exploring-the-geometric-shapes-of-noodles/252342/
- The Wall Street Journal |The Mathematics of Macaroni. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424053111903791504576585370944364368.html
- The New York Times | Pasta Graduates From Alphabet Soup to Advanced Geometry | 10 January 2012. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/10/science/pasta-inspires-scientists-to-use-their-noodle.html
- Cooking by the Book | Pasta by Design | 5 December 2011. http://www.cookingbythebook.com/cookbook-reviews/pasta-design-2/
- Dissapore | Pasta by design: quanto più una persona presenta i sintomi del genio, tanto più sarà fan della pasta | 12 gennaio 2012. http://www.dissapore.com/cucina/pasta-by-design-quanto-piu-una-persona-presenta-i-sintomi-del-genio-tanto-piu-sara-fan-della-pasta/ ※コメントの多さが尋常ではない.さすが本場イタリア!
- Vera scienza | La geometria della pasta, quanta matematica si nasconde dietro il nostro alimento quotidiano preferito | 23 January 2012. http://www.verascienza.com/la-geometria-della-pasta-quanta-matematica-si ※そうか,Mathematica でプログラミングをしているのか.